PHIL 3160 – Philosophy of Happiness

What is it, how can we best pursue it, why should we? Supporting the study of these and related questions at Middle Tennessee State University and beyond. "Examining the concept of human happiness and its application in everyday living as discussed since antiquity by philosophers, psychologists, writers, spiritual leaders, and contributors to pop culture."

Sunday, August 7, 2022

The Power of Negative Thinking

…Positivity lingo lacks nuance, compassion and curiosity. It comes in the form of blanket statements that tell someone how to feel and that the feeling they're currently having is wrong," writes the therapist Whitney Goodman in TOXIC POSITIVITY: Keeping It Real in a World Obsessed With Being Happy (TargerPerigee, 304 pp., $26). In other words, if it's bad to harsh someone's mellow, it's sometimes worse to mellow someone's harsh. The book is a bracing tonic meant to counteract society's pressure to be a living, breathing smile emoji. "Toxic positivity," Goodman explains, comes out of an understandable desire to fix things — but when we can't, we become stressed and feel helpless...

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