PHIL 3160 – Philosophy of Happiness

What is it, how can we best pursue it, why should we? Supporting the study of these and related questions at Middle Tennessee State University and beyond. "Examining the concept of human happiness and its application in everyday living as discussed since antiquity by philosophers, psychologists, writers, spiritual leaders, and contributors to pop culture."

Monday, December 6, 2021

Continue of Habits - Morgan Davis

     Going off my midterm report, I mentioned the psychoanalytic theory of psychology, more so recognized with Sigmund Freud. I talked about how the superego, ego, and id could play part in habits in the way they are formed. The id desires full pleasure. This can be seen in some habits such as smoking or drug use. However, there is another psychological theory that focuses on habits and that is the behavioral theory. According to the behavioral theory, we do certain things because we may be conditioned to do them, which can lead to a habit. Some of these habits may be bad or good, it really is up to opinion of others. 

    For instance, you may grow up with narcissistic parents so you fall in the habit of constantly saying "I'm sorry". This technically is not a bad habit, but it can be toxic. I personally believe that the psychoanalytic theory and the behavioral theory can go hand in hand. This is not a common belief, or so I would think, since most people relate behavior with cognitive dysfunctions.

    It is easy to succumb to habits, especially in early childhood. What you grow up around can strongly influence who you may be and what you may do. In watching what other people do as you grow up, you can most likely pick those habits up with ease since you have seen it so much. For example, I grew up around a lot of people who were users of nicotine products, so at the first chance I got, I decided to try one to. On the other hand, I have friends who have never touched anything nicotine related because they never saw anyone use the products as they grew up. Really it is a choice though and we could get into the topic of free will and all but this is not the time for that. 

    You can also be conditioned into habits during your childhood. Think of certain things you may say or do. You must have picked it up from somewhere. You learn fast about the consequences or rewards from your actions and what kind of responses may come from those viewing your actions. Now it is a habit for you to say or do those things, but you may not even realize it because you have been doing it for so long. 

    Basically, what I am trying to say is that it is hard to escape habit. We as humans are habitual creatures and we need habits to stay sane most of the time. Habits start from the moment we are born till the day that we die. But even then our habits may not die because there is always a chance that someone else picked it up from you.

Morgan Davis

1 comment:

  1. That title could use a tweak.

    Narcissists are apologetic?

    What WJ was saying was that habit can be our ally, not something dreaded to "succumb" to. Don't just resent the bad ones, replace them with habits you can embrace and love.


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