PHIL 3160 – Philosophy of Happiness

What is it, how can we best pursue it, why should we? Supporting the study of these and related questions at Middle Tennessee State University and beyond. "Examining the concept of human happiness and its application in everyday living as discussed since antiquity by philosophers, psychologists, writers, spiritual leaders, and contributors to pop culture."

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Motivation (final blog post)

 By Matthew Gaines

        I'm finishing off my midterm presentation of motivation. I really think it's something deeper when it comes to motivation. Sometimes we struggle to find something that motivate us. Because we ask ourselves that "can I, do it?" "Can I, conquer it? When does our happiness becomes a reality? Now I'm not talking about happiness of love, I'm talking about happiness of life. Love is beautiful connection and energy. Life is a choice and opportunity. We make decisions every day in our life to make our happiness a reality. Sometimes them decisions makes our anxiety and pain increase as we feel at that moment our love and dream start to fade away. If you believe in yourself, believe in your own process, believe in your faith, and believe in your god gifted abilities. Then you have no excuses saying, "I can't do it". Because you can do it, you came to far to quit on your happiness. Your happiness is your dream to be free minded, not only change lives but to change generations. You are going to go through pain and tears to find that happiness of life. But them tears are a story of testimony and fears. Your happiness is the most important energy to not allow someone to take it away from you. Happiness is beautiful when it becomes reality, because now you know that you have to continue to grow your purpose in life. 


             Cherish the moment. When you finally can say "I made it to the mountain top". Man, a lot of people don't get say that, because of the fact they left this world too early and didn't get the chance to enjoy life. Moments are a blessing into a lifetime memory or story. Sometimes I think it's hard for us to take a break from the world and not focus on our minds. Now when I say, "I made it to the mountain top", I'm not talking about being successful. I'm telling you about made through fear, adversity, pain, tragedy, tribal, tribulations, and setbacks. Understand the difference the top and bottom. The top is reflection and journey of the bottom. The bottom is the story and struggle to get the top. The bottom becomes your future not the top. So let righteousness start from the bottom as the phoenix rises you to the top. Let your story be heard from bottom as the day you leave this earth you can tell yourself "I made it to the mountain top".

            My name? My gift? My dream? My mind? The four are the meaning of you. Your name isn't just a word. It's a symbol of your character, philosophy, and ambition. They can't never stop your name away from you. It's your benchmark for you to grow in life. Your gift comes from God. Sometimes we are gifted or curse. But that curse doesn't always mean pain or anger. God tests his bravest warriors to see if we are preparing and ready. People don't realize that your gift can be weak at the beginning of life. But understand this, your weakness gift can become your strongest story. Your dreams are a reality of your gift from God. Successful is good but dreams are an opportunity and blessing for you to become who you want to be in life. Your dreams can take you anywhere in the world if you put your mind, heart, and spirit into your dreams. Dreams are real as reality is ready for you to make a change in the world. Your mind makes up everything for you to make it to the paradise of heaven. Your mind will touch so many people because when they felt hopeless and depressed. Your mind motivates them to be somebody but mostly they are somebody. It's let them know that they matter in this world. Your mind is a terrible thing to waste. In life, we think about so much what we want to do in future. That's good that keep our third eye towards the future. But remember this, too able for you get to the future, you have to be focus on the now to be able to be prepare for the future. This is y'all moment to show the world what God gifted us. Because we are the change, future, and stories. 

        Your fear. You fear that you're not good enough to be the best. This fear has conquered your mind, dreams, and spirit. People judging you because you want to be the greatest of your well-being. These dream killers are the fear. They kill dreams because they allow someone to kill their dreams. Don't let these dream killers take your shine, motivation, ambition, gift, and determination away from you. Your purpose in life is to not let fear conquer you but you conquer fear. When you conquer fear, everything you was afraid of mental and physical become your strongest ability. Your abilities that God gave, or you conquer will seek yourself into greater opportunities but mostly into the paradise. Stop letting fear stop you from achieving your goals and dreams. 
        Understand the difference of a got to job and get to job. One is a choice as the other is a goal. When you wake up every morning, thank God first for giving you air into your lungs but also giving you strength and knowledge to be prepared for the day. Sometimes we always say we got to do this to make money and provide. Now that's true, it's a got to job situation. But when you love doing what you do and it's doesn't matter if you are in pain, depressed, or scared, it's a get to job. Meaning it doesn't matter if the devil tries to destroy your dream, philosophy, faith, hope, peace, motivation, ambition, patience, and your happiness that you won't give up on your goal. A get to job is doing something that you love doing every day, things may change but there's always a new goal range. Our dreams and motivation give us that drive to go out and find that get to job to be humble but also blessed. Because a lot of people are still stuck in that got to job mind because of the fact us the not motivating each other. We more motivated about the money and fame. Get up and don't stop fighting for that get to job!! Because it's a blessing when you get to the things you love doing. 

        In conclusion, our dreams just not make us motivated, but it makes our life and happiness worth more living. Of course, you going to face adversity in your life. But the most important mentality and the two powerful words in the English language in life are, "I AM". Because what comes after "I AM" will shape your life. What you speak after "I AM"... what you believe after. "I AM" will control your decisions and shape your life. Thank you for listening! Love and peace. 




  1. Thanks, Matt. I think you have a future as a motivator. Can I motivate you to edit some LINKS into this, and give it a tighter edit generally, before midnight?


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