PHIL 3160 – Philosophy of Happiness

What is it, how can we best pursue it, why should we? Supporting the study of these and related questions at Middle Tennessee State University and beyond. "Examining the concept of human happiness and its application in everyday living as discussed since antiquity by philosophers, psychologists, writers, spiritual leaders, and contributors to pop culture."

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Midterm report presentations

Select a topic related to the day's scheduled reading, plan to talk for at least ten minutes, tell us something you find interesting or problematic about your topic (something we won't have read in the assigned texts) and give us at least a couple of discussion questions. Cite your sources. You can make a slideshow if you want, or show us a video clip, or prepare a script, or just talk. Whatever works, but if it's a nice day, be prepared to take us outside.

Indicate your date and topic preference (and your 2d choice) in the comments space below by Sep.19, first come first served. I'll assign a date and topic if you haven't selected one. We'll need to have two reports on some days but just one on most.


26 Epicurus -p. 207... Midterm report presentations begin -- CHLOE

28 Waldinger 1-2 -p.53 -- MATT


3 Waldinger 3-4 -p.116 -- DELANA

5 Waldinger 5-6 -p.164 -- FLYNN

10 Waldinger 7-8 -p.222 -- DAILEN

12 Waldinger 9-10, conclusion -p281. EXAM 1


19 Flanagan -p.42. -- TAYLOR, TRISTAN

24 Flanagan 2-3 -p.95 -- CADE

26 Flanagan 4-7 -p.145 -- RUSTY


  1. I would like to cover:
    (1) Epicurious p. 207 on September 26
    (2) Waldinger 1-2 p. 53 on September 28

    1. ^ Oops, this is Chloe, I forgot to attach my name.

    2. You've got it! --But he's not "Epicurious," that's the name of a podcast I think ;)

  2. I would like to cover
    (1) Waldinger 7-8 -p.222 on October 10 or
    (2) Waldinger 3-4 -p. 116 on October 3

  3. I would like to cover :
    (1) Flanagan p 42 October 19 or
    (2) Flanagan 2-3 p95 October 24

  4. I would like to cover:
    1. Waldinger 5-6 on October 5th or
    2. Waldinger 9-10 on October 12th

  5. 1. Flanagan oct 26
    2. waldinger oct 3

  6. I will take the September 28th Waldinger 1-2 spot!

  7. I’ll take whatever’s left, which I think is Oct 3rd for Waldinger chaps 3-4

  8. I will probably prepare something and be available whenever there is time available.

  9. Not anonymous, rather Gary Wedgewood above.

  10. I can do the Waldinget 9-10!

    1. This is Taylor Mills who wants to do Waldinger 9-10, I apologize for not putting my name!


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