PHIL 3160 – Philosophy of Happiness

What is it, how can we best pursue it, why should we? Supporting the study of these and related questions at Middle Tennessee State University and beyond. "Examining the concept of human happiness and its application in everyday living as discussed since antiquity by philosophers, psychologists, writers, spiritual leaders, and contributors to pop culture."

Sunday, October 31, 2021

Happy Halloween

"Today is Halloween, or All Hallows’ Eve, a day in which the dead are traditionally believed to walk among the living. Communities all across the country throw Halloween parties and parades, but Salem, Massachusetts, goes all out...trying to make everyone happy.” WA

Bring your extra candy to class, if you want.



  1. We went camping at Cedars of Lebanon State Park last week. Many of the campers there were preparing for Halloween night when some 1500 people will descend on the campgrounds for trick or treating at more than 100 campsites. The campers were elaborately decorating their sites with thousands of dollars’ worth of decorations in preparation for Halloween night. One campsite had two orange Tennessee football tents set up to hand out candy from. Have you ever wondered how one of the biggest holidays in America got started?
    Well, it began with Reformation Day which is a Protestant holiday traditionally observed on October 31st to celebrate the Reformation movement. This all began with Martin Luther in the 16th century when he protested some of the practices of the Roman Catholic church. This protest led to the formation of the Protestant churches. On this holiday, Christians give honor to those who hallowed (made holy or consecrated) this earth by their faith, prayers, and by the saintly way they walked in the light of God. We remember the giants of faith on whose shoulders we stand on the day we now also call Halloween, all hallows eve, or in Mexico, the “night of the dead”. This day was originally celebrated by holding a vigil for the souls of the saints. The origins of Trick or Treat are in England where begging from door to door grew out of an ancient English custom of knocking at doors to beg for a "soul cake" in return for which the beggars promised to pray for the dead of that household.
    So, the purpose of all Hallows Eve is to prepare for November 1st which is All Saints Day, when we remember family and friends, the saints, who have gone on before us.

  2. So, not about candy after all?

  3. First Halloween spent doing nothing. Well, nothing fun. It was spent recovering from Homecoming day after having been left at the stadium. Had to walk home after. Nonetheless, it makes for a fun story. I definitely looked like the Walking Dead myself.


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