PHIL 3160 – Philosophy of Happiness

What is it, how can we best pursue it, why should we? Supporting the study of these and related questions at Middle Tennessee State University and beyond. "Examining the concept of human happiness and its application in everyday living as discussed since antiquity by philosophers, psychologists, writers, spiritual leaders, and contributors to pop culture."

Thursday, November 11, 2021

It’s Not a ‘Stream’ of Consciousness

But still it flows…
IN 1890, the American psychologist William James famously likened our conscious experience to the flow of a stream. "A 'river' or a 'stream' are the metaphors by which it is most naturally described," he wrote. "In talking of it hereafter, let's call it the stream of thought, consciousness, or subjective life."

While there is no disputing the aptness of this metaphor in capturing our subjective experience of the world, recent research has shown that the "stream" of consciousness is, in fact, an illusion. We actually perceive the world in rhythmic pulses rather than as a continuous flow


 Professor Hocking's "West Wind"--

Image result for william ernest hocking library

Image result for william ernest hocking library

William Ernest Hocking 1873-1966

The Meaning of God in Human Experience: a philosophic study of religion (1912)
 John Kaag's website... Kaag on twitter... Kaag on Thoreau, with Nigel Warburton (podcast, iTunes)... The Philosopher and the Thief (Atlantic)... How a Philosophy Professor Found Love in a Hidden Library-"a spirited lover’s quarrel with the individualism and solipsism in our national thought" (nyt)... A Neglected Library Leads to Love (npr)...

From "American Philosophy: A Love Story" by John Kaag:

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