PHIL 3160 – Philosophy of Happiness

What is it, how can we best pursue it, why should we? Supporting the study of these and related questions at Middle Tennessee State University and beyond. "Examining the concept of human happiness and its application in everyday living as discussed since antiquity by philosophers, psychologists, writers, spiritual leaders, and contributors to pop culture."

Saturday, November 13, 2021

The Man Who Freed Me From Cant

Tony Judt said that there is darkness in this world, and that darkness often triumphed—and liberated me to do the same.

...Benevolent or not, it somehow felt wrong to write with the intent of authoring a morality play in which the forces of good necessarily triumph. I didn’t quite know why I felt that way. I didn’t really know why quotes about the “arc of the universe” and the sense that good and right ultimately prevail repulsed me so. For me, the answers were in the pages of Postwar...

Ta-Nehesi Coates


1 comment:

  1. Interesting post. Ultimately, I believe that the universe is neither good nor bad, but indifferent. The universe isn’t a living thing, so it cannot possess such qualities. However, I do believe there is a God, and I believe God is totally good. There is no struggle between good and evil, as He is completely sovereign. However, humanity brought evil into the world, and therefore, suffer as a result.

    All said, I believe the Christian worldview offers the satisfied mind. Happiness can be found anywhere, but true satisfaction can only be found in Christ.


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